The old Web

Habits change.

It reminds me of what life was once like on the old web, where people shared honestly on their personal sites without fear of being harassed. I’m not the only old-timer who misses that old web; in recent years, several of my internet friends who once blogged blithely have switched to opt-in newsletters, sharing only with subscribers. Although I mourn the personal, open-hearted web we once shared, I understand this impulse all too well.

Yup, same here. Recently I’ve begun blogging again more than I did for long runs of time, but also, for self-preservation (as well as preservation of my tribe) I’ve blogged less personal subjects. Also I’ve begun deleting personal things related to my previous life, the one that ended last year.

I made a promise to myself, strangely, to separate this personal website from my personal life.


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