Going solo in a month

Love pink hair and working at home? Go enjoy Going Solo!

It’s been a while since I last mentioned Steph’s conference Going Solo, so here we go.

Going Solo conference for freelancers, May 16th, Lausanne (Switzerland)

Why, you ask, do I mention it again?

First because I really love the pink hair!

He he.

Seriously now, I know how hard it is to put up a conference, as I’ve had my share of that for two years. I can feel the pain she must be going through at the moment.

But actually, I mention the conference again because it really looks promising, and I’m crossing my fingers to be there — although I can’t be sure about that at all.

I’ve begun working at home now and then, and I’m in a team that’s split up all over France, so I know what it is to work in a connected world but without being physically close to the people I work with.

So. Going Solo, Lausanne, May 16th, 2008. Who’s going?

PS: Steph presenting Going Solo on Youtube


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