France’s radical turn to the right

My take on France’s new President. Sunday, May 6th. A new era, a police state?

Hello, all of you who may wonder what it’s like to live in France.

Just a quick note to remind you that nearly half the people who voted today did not vote for Nicolas Sarkozy.

Which means that a measurable proportion of the French do not want to hear about eugenics, do not want genetic material filed in governmental offices, do not want to let illegal immigrants condemned to death in their countries be sent back for economical reasons.

A sizeable proportion of us has not yet forgotten that the Declaration of Human Rights was written here.

Many of us do not want to live in a police state.

Today a President was elected, democratically, and we should abide to this decision, which shows that we are indeed a democracy. But I refuse to sit back and enjoy the tension.

I am not sure this country is safe for people who are not white, clean people. And I fear what the future holds for us, notwithstanding our new President’s consensual talk this evening that says that he’ll be at the side of all those, the weak and he poor and the sick, who suffer in the whole world.

Yeah, right. Send them back on a plane, why don’t you.


  • Pierre (7 May 2007)

    Three years ago, a huge amount of French people was laughing at the US. How come a country like this could have re-elected such a stupid president?

    Now, we know. The 46 % of non-Sarkozy people have to explain they’re still here, they still exist, exactly as what the Democrats did in 2004...

    Good luck everybody, see you in five fucking years!

    Reply to Pierre

  • anonymous (9 May 2007)

    Many of us in the US feel your pain, but have no idea who the French candidates were. France is mostly irrelevant to most people here. There are many reasons that people vote for a candidate. Usually, I vote for the best of what is available and electable while holding in my stomach contents.
    Sadly, many good people refuse to get involved due to the sacrifices their families will face. Good people will allow the mediocre people to take over the reins of government and all we can do is wait and hope for better times. W will be gone is several more years and we have hope that more reasonable candidates will be available for our vote. Unfortunately, there are many candidates (mostly in the Republican group) who make W look progressive. It could get much worse before it gets better. Good luck to all our French friends.

    Reply to anonymous

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