I worked on a site today, assessing its accessibility, and saw a Flash insertion through Javascript. The script was called EolasFix.js
They didn’t do much to improve the world but their name will stay. Who would want this kind of posterity?
I worked on a site today, assessing its accessibility, and saw a Flash insertion through Javascript. The script was called EolasFix.js
They didn’t do much to improve the world but their name will stay. Who would want this kind of posterity?
Je conseille SWFObject, pour faire un truc comme ça :
Je ne sais pas trop si c’est accessible, mais au moins ça dégrade correctement si un utilisateur n’a pas de JS.
It’s not very clean. Inserting JS inside the HTML is what everyone’s trying to avoid these days.
Yes, but :
Anyway I’ll have to look the "Satay" method more carefully ;)