Criminal (is when you stop caring)

I bought a t-shirt from the Fray shop, a lifetime ago. My daughter deciphered it this morning.

This morning I was wearing my worn-and-torn t-shirt I bought a few years ago from the Fray schwag shop.

It’s purple, large and comfy, and although it’s slightly unsewn on the sleeves and out of shape, I love it very much. Reminds me of olden web times when you felt part of the “elite who have a web site” before the blog craze, times when the Fray was active online and I was learning a new trick everyday.

It features the Criminal cartoony character, and it says “Criminal is when you stop caring”, which is also a reason why my sentimentality won’t let me throw it away. It’s a face with a stocking on its top with holes for the eyes, and it’s roughly the shape of a raindrop.

This morning, as I was saying before being interrupted by my reminiscing self, I was wearing this t-shirt. My daughter saw it and asked me to explain what it was. Again. (yeah, three-year-olds want the same explanation a few times to fix it into their brains. You get used to it).

And she smiled and concluded “It could be a talking raindrop, I like this idea better”.

Talking raindrops. I love child poetry.


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